Articles What to Know about Betta Fish Dropsy Symptoms October 18, 2021October 8, 2021Rais Whereas most people think that betta fish dropsy symptoms would mean something, it’s not always the case. Dropsy isn’t a disease, but it’s about a secondary symptom of an underlying…Continue readingWhat to Know about Betta Fish Dropsy Symptoms
Articles Understanding Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatments for Betta Fish Velvet Disease October 15, 2021October 8, 2021Rais Betta fish velvet disease is actually one of the most common diseases in fish; not only exclusive to bettas. Known as Gold Dust disease, Rust disease, or Coral disease, this…Continue readingUnderstanding Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatments for Betta Fish Velvet Disease
Articles Sick Betta Fish Symptoms And Ailments Guidance For Beginner September 27, 2021September 13, 2021Rais Starting to own a bettafish are a true excitement, however as a living being sometime we must face something that we do not expect, a sick betta fish. When the…Continue readingSick Betta Fish Symptoms And Ailments Guidance For Beginner